Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Set sail on the failboat!

So this whole journal thing epic-failed. Being in rehearsal left me very little time for working on the show itself and still doing homework, as little as I had, so I did not have any kind of time left over to blog every day. I think it's pretty obvious from the dates, but Spelling Bee is over, as is Auburn Pops! which was the second show I SMed this semester (3rd of the year- I did Intimate Apparel in the fall). I got an A on it! ...I think all of us got A's. The only faculty members I got responses from were Dan and Daydrie, so there's that. I still don't know if I got a KCACTF nomination- I don't know if I didn't get one or if Dadyrie just didn't tell me, but the only noms listed on the website are the acting nominations done by the respondent.
In other news, I am officially an Auburn grad, class of 2010!

I'm leaving tomorrow morning to drive to Granville, Ohio- I have an internship at Weathervane Playhouse for the summer! I'm the ASM for 4/5 shows in their summer season, and I'm SM for Alice in Wonderland, which is the 4th show in the lineup. Looking at the rehearsal calendar just about makes me nauseous- 10 days of rehearsal for a 10-day run, rehearsing the next show during the run. Geeze.
My SM for the summer is the same age as me, which is a little daunting, but it's her 3rd summer at The Vane, and she's from VCU so I'm hoping she's a powerhouse. If she's not, well, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Weathervane has been around for ever, but they hire really young. I believe my SM's words to me on the phone were "You're over-qualified for this job, so you shouldn't have a problem."

After The Vane, I'm going to Playhouse on the Square in Memphis. I'm a member of the Associate Company there, and while I'm technically an intern, I am the SM for all of the shows in their smaller space, The Circuit Theatre. They're a professional, non-union company that hires AEA artists (Guest Artist Contract? Small Professional Contract? I need to find that out).

I got both jobs at SETC, I'm really excited for them both. Neither is an Equity theatre, but they both had huge draws for me- Weathervane is doing a season of huge musicals (My Fair Lady, The Producers, & Hairspray, along with The Miracle Worker & Alice in Wonderland) and I have a dearth of shows like that on my resume, and that's what big theatres look for- SMs who have done big shows. Playhouse has a really great placement quota for their interns, especially for the Circuit SM- I will have basically spent a year as the PSM of a theatre, working under AEA rules without actually being union myself. I turned down Orlando Shakes for those reasons (and because spending a year as an ASM and only getting half the necessary EMC points out of it made me want to vom), so I hope it's all it's cracked up to be.

I'm going to try and actually blog this summer, and beyond. We'll see if I can stick to it any better than I could before... Maybe the fact that other AU theatre kids are blogging too will keep me motivated.

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