Friday, May 21, 2010

This is my 2nd day of rehearsal for My Fair Lady at Weathervane. My SM won't be here until tomorrow, so I've been running rehearsals for the last two days. People keep saying "OH you just got here and you got thrown into this blah blah blah," but it's nothing that I haven't done before. Sitting in music rehearsals and taking basic blocking notes are the same no matter where you are, and the rest of the staff is super helpful.

The weirdest part of this whole situation is the fact that the theatre is still under renovation. They're almost done, supposedly. They keep telling us that the mainstage will be completely done by the time My Fair Lady opens in two weeks, but I'll be interested to see how that goes. It's been really rainy for the last week, which has thrown them off.

The result of that is that we are rehearsing in a borrowed space- the gym of an abandoned elementary school that was bought by an architectural firm, which obviously has no use for a gym. It's actually a fairly nice rehearsal space- it's pretty much the perfect size, has good bathrooms and kitchen we can use, so as borrowed space goes it's pretty sweet. It's really close to the theatre, too, and easy to find. The weirdest thing about it is that this elementary school is so old, there is only one set of outlets in the gym that have a ground! All of the outlets only have 2 plugs, and of course the one with the ground is on the opposite side of the room from where we set up the tech table. There's also no internet here, which blows, and the internet has been super sketchy at the theatre because of the construction. I had to go to a coffee house yesterday to email production meeting notes to the SM! At least it works on campus.

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