Thursday, May 20, 2010

This town is the definition of "quaint."

I made it to Granville! I'm all moved into my dorm at Denison University, where the theatre staff is staying for the summer. It's pretty nice. A little bare, but it's a pretty big room that I get to myself, so I'm not complaining.

I went down to the Broadway Pub tonight after Mom & Dad dropped me off- there was a big gathering of theatre people there tonight. There was a lot of reminiscing about past productions from people who are returning company members, but I ended up staying to talk with the Artistic staff well after most of the rest of them left.

I've got a HUGELY busy day tomorrow- my SM isn't arriving until Saturday (she's walking at her graduation) so I'm in charge, but I have noooo idea where anything is or what's going on. I'll manage though! It'll be an experience, that's for sure.

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