Friday, October 29, 2010

Strangest Patron Ever

So last night, I had the strangest interaction with a patron I think I've ever had- ranked right up there with the guy who didn't seem to understand why I didn't want his 6-year-old daughter to go down the fireman's pole on the set of Alice in Wonderland...

I walk into the theatre at 6:15, a little earlier than usual. The doors were unlocked because of rehearsal in the big banquet room (normally we keep the exterior doors locked for as long as possible due to homeless people). So I walk in and there's this guy standing in the lobby, right inside the door. I gave him the quick Memphis once-over (are you dressed like a hobo? can I smell you from where I'm standing?) and then saw that he was holding a comp ticket voucher, so he was obviously in the right place, just really early.

Man: Is this Black Pearl Sings? Is that here?
Me: Yes sir. There's nobody here from the box office yet, but feel free to wait in the lobby until they open.
Man: Where do I wait?
Me: Right here, in the lobby. There are some benches here, or feel free to look at the art in the gallery through those doors.
Man: I can't go in there yet, though? (ie, into the house)
Me: No, not yet. You need to wait in the lobby.
Man: OK, thanks. What's your name?
Me: Becky.
Man: OK, thanks Becky.
Me: No problem, sir. Enjoy the show.

I went upstairs to the booth. This took me about 30 seconds. When I got to the booth I glanced out the window, and saw the man sitting on the chaise onstage. I leaned out the window and yelled "SIR! GET OFF THE STAGE PLEASE!" And he looked up all startled and saw me, and walked back out to the lobby.

At this point, I'm a little bit freaked out, so while I was eating my dinner in the green room I turned on the monitor for the stage, so I would be able to see if he decided to take another nappy-nap on the set. He didn't come back in, and I thought I'd seen the last of him...

Then, at 7:00, I was standing onstage with one of the actresses, just chatting about the little kids in the audience at the morning matinee, and he opens the doors from the lobby and walks into the house!

Me: Sir, you need to wait in the lobby, please.
Man: Becky!
Me: Please wait in the lobby until we open the doors.
Man: Oh, I thought I heard them say the show was about to start.
Me: No, sir, we've got an hour before the show starts. You need to wait in the lobby.
Man: What time does the show start?
Me: 8:00.
Man: What time is it now, like 7:30?
Me: No sir, it's 7:00. There's an hour before the show starts.
Man: Well what am I supposed to do until then?
Me: Uhhhhh
Actress: You could. Uh. Go get some dinner. Or something?
Man: I already did that!
Me: Well, sir, I'm sorry, but you're just early. The show doesn't start for an hour...

Just then our house manager opened the door and got him to go back into the lobby.

I'm not entirely sure if he had something wrong with him or what, but it was absolutely bizarre.

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