Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The vultures are circling.

There has been a lot of media attention regarding Matthew's death. All of it has been really tasteful and well-done so far, but a lot of the reporters themselves have been really insensitive regarding the fact that our friend, our boss, and the director of this show just died. Stuff like they want to come film our dress rehearsals (which they can't legally do anyway) and want to talk to the kids about Matthew and want to schedule times to come talk to people with no regard for the fact that we are not only mourning, we are also scrambling to pick up the slack on top of normal summer-stock tech week and we don't really care what time is best for you to come talk to us. Also, a group of people who worked with Matthew on a community theatre show wanted to come to the theatre to grieve in our lobby before a show. I know that he was loved by the community and impacted a lot of people, but we still have a show to do- not only would a group of people crying in the lobby be terrible for the other patrons, it would also be so saddening for us who are trying to keep working without breaking down in tears.

We made it through tech last night, with Brice & Erika, the two artistic associates, running it. It went really smoothly, which was a pleasant surprise for everyone. If we can make it through this tech process, we'll be ok.

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