Wednesday, December 9, 2009

First Company Meeting

Our first company meeting was on Monday, after the BFA Performance Outcome. I think it went very well.

I got everything organized, albeit somewhat last-minute, with all of the forms and things. I also made all of the extra copies of the script- they only ordered 11 bound copies, and the Director double-cast Rona, cast 2 understudies, and cast the 2 Dads as separate actors (plus ASMs & the Assistant to the Director) so we obviously had more than 11 people who needed scripts. The tricky part was that the cast members needed copies of the score as well- I had a photocopy of the script and one of the conductor's score, but not one of the libretto (and not knowing till the last minute that there weren't enough scripts meant I didn't have time to copy the libretto out of the book), so 2 cast members ended up with the full score. They seemed pretty ok with it though, so I don't think it will be a problem except the sheer size of it.

I passed out all of the forms (Class Schedule, Actor Agreement, Emergency Health Info, Bio Form, & add slip for Applied Acting), and then passed out the scripts, the CDs from the MD, and their assignments from the Director & Dramaturg. It was a lot of paperwork for them all to keep track of, I feel like I should have put them in a folder or something, but I didn't want to have to buy them myself, and there was no one in the office when I was working on it.

I wanted to elect a cast deputy then, but I forgot to talk to the Director & MD about it beforehand so we will just do it at the first rehearsal. I know that Panch & Olive were both cast deputies once already this semester, so I think I'm going to tell them that they have to elect someone else. Also, should the Wranglers be included in the vote? I'm inclined to say no, but I feel like Daydrie is 100% about inclusion, so she might overrule me.

Speaking of the Wranglers, FTP has very graciously agreed to work around their schedule so that they can still audition for Tales of A Fourth Grade Nothing. That's good, because I think that 3/4 of them would have opted out of Wrangling in favor of auditioning for Tales.

After the meeting, the Director and I realized that Rocky Horror was having auditions that night, and wanted to use the Smart Classroom to put the video on the big screen. The director had not heard anything about this, and was very concerned about leaving the Smart Classroom open. I also did not know about it- no one in charge of Rocky has keys to the building. Granted, it was only about 8:45 when this was happening, but I was not about to stay in the building to babysit while they had auditions, and there is a reason why no students have keys to the Smart Classroom. She left me in charge of the situation, and I ended up just locking the door. I told their director what I had done, and I apologized for putting them in a tough place, and then went to lock the building. While I was doing that, I realized that there were about 20 people in the green room and I knew 4 of them, plus a couple of non-majors that I knew. I was super uncomfortable leaving them alone in the building, so I called the TD & let him know what was going on. He ended up coming up to the theatre to deal with it, so I left. I felt really bad because I love Rocky, I wish Rocky could be in the theatre every Halloween, but I was not about to leave that building unlocked with that many non-majors in there. Epic communication fail, in my opinion- they had signed out the space, but the sign-out sheet goes to 10:00 because that's when rehearsal is over and the SM kicks people out. Without rehearsal going on, the building gets locked up whenever the last person with keys leaves. I technically could have told them that they had to leave, but I didn't want to do that. Also, I am one small and unimposing person, and they were a lot of sketchy-ass people in fishnets. I almost got in a fight with someone about it, because he saw me locking the doors and asked what I was doing. I told him I was locking the building cause I was leaving, and he said "Well, I guess that's ok..." He guesses that's ok? Is he serious? Having keys to the theatre is a responsibility that I take pretty seriously, and I was not about to leave them alone in there. I don't care if they're having a performance- they didn't get permission from a faculty member and none of them have keys to the building, so I'm in charge. /rant.

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