Sunday, November 28, 2010

Things I'm Thankful For- Theatre Themed!

I saw this on Mallory's blog and thought I'd give it my own Thanksgiving theatre twist-

I am so grateful for my Auburn family, the Auburn tradition, and my time spent in the Loveliest Village. War Eagle!

Black Sharpies
Sharpies of all types, really. I'm a huge fan of labeling things.

Copy machines
What would my life be without a photocopier? Even though I have a love-hate relationship with the POTS copier...

Days off!
Pretty self-explanatory.

Erasable Hi-liters
You have no idea how much I love my erasable hi-liters. Seriously, I've started to actually color-code things again!

My parents who never really questioned my decision to major in theatre, my grandparents who still aren't entirely sure what my job is, but come to see as many of my shows as they can, and especially all of the support (emotionally and financially) they give me.

The best props designer I've ever worked with, hands down.

Working without reliable headsets has made me realize how lucky we were at Auburn to have such a nice comm system.

Intern family
Yeah, we fight a lot. Sometimes we get pissy. But at the end of the day, we all love each other. This has been true of every Intern Family I've had, and for that I am blessed.

Katharine & Kendra!
The best SM team anybody could ask for.
K is also for Kelsey: such a good SM- I learned so much more from her this summer than I expected to.

I am grateful that my laptop wasn't ruined! Only minor water damage. Heart attack averted.

Microsoft Office
Another self-explanatory one.

Night-vision Cameras
I'm not a spy or a stalker, but I do have to call cues during blackouts. Having a night-vision camera pointed at the stage with a feed to the booth is seriously one of the most useful things for calling a show. I can't even remember what it was like to call cues without one...

Olney Theatre Centre
For taking a leap of faith to hire me for 2 weeks as an emergency substitute replacement temporary ASM, and for taking another leap of faith to hire me again to stage manage a show. My first professional contract(s)!

Playhouse on the Square
I am so thankful for a year-long contract and a whole season of shows that I am stage managing, a whole year of professional credits!

P is also for Pip- mentor, advisor, and artist extraordinaire. Auburn misses you and all your advice, your radical ideas, your motivational speeches, and your hard work.

I'm actually starting to enjoy running shows in Q-Lab...

Rain onstage (or the lack thereof)
I am thankful to be working at a theatre where it doesn't rain onstage. After 4 years of tarping scenery & keeping towels backstage in the TPT, and a brief stint with a leaky ceiling at OTC, the fact that The Vane had just fully enclosed their theatre was a blessing, and even though Circuit is old, it's not leaky! Knock on wood.
I'm a giant nerd and I love stage management. Everyone on SMNet is as well, & it has proven to be a wonderful resource for advice & just sharing stories about the absurdity that is our job.

Tech staff
I am thankful for a tech staff that I can trust, that knows what they're doing, that always has their shit together.

Useless (useful?) knowledge
My constant stream of useless facts actually come in handy sometimes, if only to give Jeffries a run for his money in Trivial Pursuit. I love to learn new things, whether it's who was the governor of Texas in 1933 (Ma Ferguson) or how to rewire a stagepin plug, and that is a personality trait I am glad to have.

Without volunteers backstage, I could not function.

Weathervane Playhouse
For an unforgettable summer. I learned a lot...

It's not quite the whole alphabet, but gimme a break! It's pretty darn close.

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