Friday, July 23, 2010

geeking out!

My SM and I are geeking out in choreography rehearsal right now. We are super stage management nerds.

First of all, Kels found this:

It's a collection of pdfs of prompt books from a stage manager at the Savoy Theatre from the late 1800s. They are amazing. I cannot handle how cool this is. Or how much our jobs haven't changed in 150 years. They take blocking the same way we do, they just write in calligraphy. CRAZY. Absolutely crazy.

Also, I just found this website, that is SUPER cool- it's just a bunch of forums for stage managers, and it's actually pretty active. I've been reading stuff on their message boards all morning, and got super excited about making a virtual call-board/website thing. I think I want to try that for Memphis- I'm the PSM for the theatre, and my boss said she wanted me to "make it my own," whatever that means. I'm messing around on googlesites right now, and it's looking pretty promising!

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